Purpose   • Technical data   • Installation and service   • Documentation


Power control controller KUS-4

( full specifications are in the manual for the device )

1. Контролер керування силовий КУС-4 призначений для застосування в системах телекерування і телесигналізації.
2 Ступінь захисту Контролеру керування силового КУС-4 від дій навколишнього середовища - IP65.
3. КУС-4 не є засобом вимірювання.
4. Експлуатація Контролера керування силового КУС-4 допускається при температурі навколишнього повітря від мінус 40 до плюс 70 °С.


1. Power supply parameters from an external direct current source:
- voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . - 8 - 24 V
- power consumption is no more than 0.15 W
2. Electrical parameters of executive circuits (discrete outputs) of the "open drain" type:
- switched voltage . . . . . . . - 220 - 300 V
- switched current . . . . . . . - 8 A
3. Electrical parameters of executive circuits (discrete outputs) of the "dry contact" type:
- switched voltage . . . . . . . . - 300 V
- switched current . . . . . . . . - 0.1 A
4. Power supply parameters of discrete inputs:
- voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . - 24 V
- input current . . . . . . - 10 mA
5. The number of discrete optically resolved outputs of the "open drain" type is no more than 4
6. The number of discrete optically decoupled outputs of the "dry contact" type is no more than 1
7. The number of discrete optically resolved inputs is no more than . . . . . . . - 5
8. The overall dimensions of the KUS-4 power control controller do not exceed 107 x 93 x 65 mm
9. The weight of the KUS-4 power controller does not exceed - 0.3 kg.
10. The service life of the KUS-4 power control controller is 12 years.


1. The KUS-4 power control controller is completed in a plastic case with brackets for mounting on a DIN rail. At the same time, the controller must be protected from direct impact atmospheric precipitation.
2. The controller can be placed in the open air or in a room outside the explosive zone and fixed on a flat support in any working position.
3. The company provides warranty service of the KUS-4 power control controller for 24 months and service maintenance throughout the service life.


Power control controller KUS-4.