Concor (version c6.25) - Program for configuration of computational units (Corectors) of virtual complexes
all modifications of vimirival Complexes FLOUTEC-TM, FLOUTEC-TM-2-3-4 . . .
HostWin (version 5.40.12_1) - The program for polling and displaying gas flow meter data
measuring Complexes FLOUTEC-TM
HostWork (version 5.40.12_1) - Program for testing and displaying data for work stations
vimiryuvalnyh Complexes FLOUTEC-TM
MConcor (version MC5.75) - Configuration program for complexes FLOUTEC-TM-3-6, FLOUTEC-TM-3-6-T, FLOUTEC-TM-1-5
Concor (version C45_v5.39) - Program for calculating VR-2 vibrating complexes FLOUTEC-TM,
preparations up to 2017 inclusive
Ucell - Programs for configuration and maintenance of FLOUTEC-TM-D gas odorization complexes
Service P & T - Service programs for PD-1 pressure and PT-1 temperature transducers
HARTSERV - Service programs for PM-3B multiparameter converters and PC-B calculators.
FHP controller - FHP Controller configuration program
Bi7_usb - Virtual serial port drivers
VR-2 calculator - Configuration, viewing and reporting program . . .
PC-V calculator - Configuration, viewing and reporting program . . .
Interface converters are proactive - Configuration and maintenance program . . .
Interface converter Ethernet-RS232(RS485) - Configuration and maintenance program . . .
ARBITR device - Configuration and maintenance program . . .
ARBITR-OD device - Configuration and maintenance program . . .
PSK device, PSK-OD - Configuration and maintenance program . . .