( full specifications are in the manual for the device )
1. PC-V version 2 calculator is a measuring instrument and is intended for automatic
converting the volume of gas measured by the meter connected to it under operating measurement conditions to standard conditions.
One of the Calculator channels can be used to connect a gas meter in a non-explosive area with the following characteristics
pulse signal:
- pulse duration - not less than 50 ms;
- frequency - no more than 10 Hz.,
- switched voltage - 12 V;
- short circuit current - less than 10 mA;
total number of meters connected to PC-V – 2 pcs.
At the same time, the meter connected to the Calculator PC-V version 2 does not require pressure and temperature correction
measured by a household gas volume meter.
2. Calculator PC-V version 2 is intended for use as part of flow meters for metering, including for
commercial accounting of gases in the gas, oil and gas producing, oil refining, petrochemical industries, industrial
facilities and public utilities.
and can be installed in explosive areas of open industrial sites and premises where the formation of
explosive mixtures of categories IIA and IIB.
3. The PC-V version 2 calculator has an explosion protection marking II 2G Ex ib IIB T3 Gb
and can be installed in explosive areas of open industrial sites and premises where the formation of explosive mixtures is possible
categories IIA and IIB.
4. Operation of the PC-V Calculator version 2 is allowed at ambient temperature from minus 40 to plus 70 °С.
PS. - based on Calculators PC-V version 2 - measuring systems are supplied
The composition of these complexes is given at this link.
1. The upper limits of pressure measurement by the calculator PC-V version 2 are set according to the order in the ranges:
- from 100 kPa to 10 MPa - for absolute pressure;
- from 6.0 kPa to 25 MPa; - for excess pressure;
2. The maximum period of time for which archives for each pipeline are stored in the computer memory PC-V execution 2:
- daily data . . . . . . . . - for the last six months
- hourly data . . . . . - for the last two months
- operational data . . . . - at least 3600 entries
- message about emergency and emergency situations - 1000 entries;
- intervention - 1000 entries.
3. Limits of permissible basic reduced error of the pressure transducer when measuring absolute (gauge) pressure
are: ±0.075; ±0.1 upper limit of measurement.
4. Limits of additional error from changes in ambient temperature in the range from minus 40 to plus 70 °С
do not exceed ±0.1% of the pressure measurement range and ±0.1 C when measuring temperature.
5. The limits of the permissible basic absolute error of the temperature transducer at
temperature measurements are: ±0.1, ±0.3 or ±0.5 °C.
6. The limits of the permissible relative error of the PC-V calculator when processing input signals and
when calculating the parameters of the medium, they are ±0.02%.
7. The PC-V version 2 computer exchanges data with external devices at a speed of 1200 - 38400 bps.
8. The electrical power supply of the converter is carried out from an external source of direct voltage in the range
from 15 to 30 V.
9. The electrical power consumed by the PC-V calculator does not exceed - 0.75 W.
10. The overall dimensions of the PC-V calculator are no more than 180 x 260 x 130 mm.
11. The weight of the Calculator PC-V version 2 is not more than 4.5 kg.
12. The service life of the Calculator PC-V version 2 is at least 12 years.
1. The results of the information generated by the PC-V calculator are displayed on
liquid crystal display (LCD).
2. Updating of data generated by the PC-V Calculator is carried out at least once per second
via a two-wire communication line based on the digital open protocol HART.
3. Calculator PC-V version 2 provides:
• calculation of the flow rate and volume (mass) of the medium in accordance with the current regulations;
• presentation of the results of measurements and calculations on the LCD indicating device in the mode
automatic scrolling with a period 1, 5 and 10 c.
4. The company provides warranty service for the Calculator PC-V version 2 within 24 months and service
service throughout the entire service life.
PC-V calculator.
PC-V calculator (in combination with FLOWSIC 500).
PC-V calculator (in combination with FLOWSIC 600).
Measuring complexes FLOUTEC-TM. Operation manual
To update the software of the Calculator PC-V version 1, go to the following link:
1). HostWin - Service program for PC-B calculators of FLOUTEK-TM measuring complexes
of all modifications (survey, accumulation and review of information, issuance of commercial reports on consumption of the measured environment).
In the presence of the measuring complex FLOUTEK-TM "Initiative interface converter"
it is necessary to additionally involve the program InitCntrPack.rar.
It is necessary to run the "Conf.exe" program from the specified package and configure the converter in it
proactive interfaces.
- Instructions for working with HostWin with a proactive interface converter as part of the FLOUTEC-TM measuring complex
2). CONCOR - Program for configuring PC-V calculators (Correctors) measuring
complexes FLOUTEC-TM
Type Examination Certificate. (PC-V converters)
Type-examination Certificate (FLOUTEC-TM measuring systems)
Notice of type conformity based on quality assurance of the production process
Quality Management System Approval Certificate (module D)
Certificates, Permits. . . (full list)